Fastest And Simplest Ways To Detox- Overnight THC Detox

Overnight THC Detox

Overnight thc detox is a very serious task. Every one’s body has different effects to the possible detoxing methods. It is very important to know how the body is responding to your efforts and use natural materials that are safe.

Tips for detoxing your body

For those who want to detox in a hurry here are some very common ways that help in detoxing the body:

  • Fruit pectin- It is completely a DIY detox often used by those people who face blood urine or saliva tests. The idea of using this method is that higher fiber pectin present in the fruits prevents the THC metabolites to pass to the urine or to the bloodstream. The fiber in the fruits is supposed to flush out the THC that is fat soluble out of the body by movement of bowel.
  • Detox drinks- These are one of the best ways to put the drug out of the body. These drinks basically help in diluting the urine and remove toxins theoretically out of the body. Just like any other methods, these detox drinks contain laxatives, doses of vitamins etc.
  • Exercising- If you have a little time just say for a week then before the drug test some exercise can help you burn the fat cells of the body that hold THC. Exercising is considered as one of the best way to get drug flushed out before the test as exercising helps in burning the fat cells that store THC.
  • Sauna- Sauna and sweating are the healthiest way for detoxing the body. Studies have proved that routine use of sauna can help the body in building up of harmful compounds such as uric acid, lactic acid and sodium.
  • Healthy diet- One of the most effective ways to get THC out of your body is to eat lot of green fiber leafy vegetables several days before the drug test. Eating a diet that contains high fiber is essential to clear THC out of your system. Fruits and vegetables are te natural sources of fibers like pectin.

THC Detox Kits

Marijuana smoke: what’s in it?

The smoke of marijuana contains in total of about 60 chemicals that are known as cannabinoids. The best known among them is THC which has signs leading to that someone has been smoking pot, memory loss, unsteady walk as well as random thoughts are common among them.