FAQs When Kids Take Jiu Jitsu Classes

FAQs When Kids Take Jiu Jitsu Classes

Will my child become a bully?

In most martial arts programs, forceful punches, kicks, knees, and elbows are used to strike the assailant, but the Gracie Bullyproof curriculum takes a different approach. None of the techniques are offensive and all are strictly defensive. In addition, they educate children how to diffuse conflicts verbally and to never initiate physical assault. The Gracie Bullyproof curriculum teaches youngsters how to put out a fire with water, so you will never have to worry about your child becoming a bully under their supervision.

Do Parents Have to Remain?

Parents are not needed to remain, but are welcome to observe their children train.

As per Victorian Government rules, all adults entering the building are required to check in and present proof of immunization.

What Should I Bring to My First Class?

Ensure that your youngster wears comfortable athletic attire, such as a T-shirt and track pants (Please no zips or buttons as they may damage their mats). Before their first lesson, they will provide your child with a free rental gi (uniform) so that they may feel what it is like to be a part of the school. Bring a water bottle with you to your martial arts training.

The majority of pupils are beaming from ear to ear by the end of class. I am certain your youngster will be as well!

My child has ADHD; can martial arts be beneficial?

Yes! A benefit of martial arts training is that it is an individual sport practiced in a group setting. All of their students exhibit improvements in concentration, self-control, discipline, and social skills.

Robbie Singh, the company’s founder and chief instructor, has over a decade of experience in Applied Behaviour Analysis Intervention. In other words, he implements a multitude of tactics to assist students of various ages and skills in achieving their full potential in each session.

Taking advantage of their limited-time offer is the best way to find out for yourself. You will find their staff to be incredibly helpful and committed to assisting your child in becoming the best version of themselves. Reserve today! You will be glad you did!

Kids Jiu Jitsu Classes Melbourne

Will My Child Feel Left Out If They Are Not Athletic?

not even close!

Gracie Jiu Jitsu is the ideal sport for a child who claims to “detest” sports. They transform circumstances and tactics into games so entertaining that children beg for more.

The lighthearted nature of their Bullyproof training distinguishes it from other martial arts. This workshop, which focuses on verbal and physical skills, has something for everyone.

Please visit graciejiujitsuburwood.com.au for more information and inquiries on Kids Jiu Jitsu Classes Melbourne.